Our Top 10 Most-Read of 2019
As 2019 comes to a close, we take time to look back at all the stories that we’ve posted throughout the year, including coverage of the National Academy of Medicine’s Future of Nursing 2020-2030 Committee meetings and states’ efforts to make nurse-led care more accessible to all.
Below are our 10 most-read blogs of the year. We thank you for visiting us in 2019 and hope you come back in 2020, the Year of the Nurse, for more stories about nurses building a healthier America.
10) By Asking Questions, Nurses See Beyond Emergencies
Seeing the writing on the wall, two nurses started a program that screens for food insecurity and other social needs by having volunteer nursing and other students from Miami University of Ohio screen emergency department patients using the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ Accountable Health Communities Health-Related Social Needs Screening Tool.
9) Speak Up: How One Nurse Turned a Chance Encounter Into a Front-Page Story
It is unusual for news coverage to include nurses’ voices. So how did a nurse end up in a front-page piece in the largest newspaper in her state? The story offers inspiration on ways to get nurses’ perspectives into news coverage.
8) We’re Making Headway on the IOM Nursing Goals
Twice a year, the Campaign for Action updates its Dashboard to show progress on achieving recommendations of the IOM future of nursing report. This February 2019 post highlighted noteworthy statistics and trends, with noteworthy progress seen in some of the education and diversity measures.
7) Advice for New Nurses? Try Kindness, Patience, and Lifelong Learning
During the latter part of 2018, we asked our Facebook fans, “If you could share one thing with the next generation of nurses, what would it be?” The answers, in short: Be kind and careful, and keep learning in this, a field that is as much a beloved calling as a job.
6) Red Tape Delays Nurse Practitioner-Ordered Home Care
Bureaucracy can lead to delays in care. That’s not news, but we highlight how a particular Medicare rule has slowed treatment and led to unneeded wait times and even hospitalizations for patients who receive home care visits from nurse practitioners. There are proposed solutions.
5) Increasing Diversity—One CRNA at a Time
When Wallena Gould, EdD, CRNA, FAAN, began studying to become a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) in 2002, there were few people of color among the roughly 36,000 CRNAs in the U.S. That’s why in 2008 she founded the Diversity in Nurse Anesthesia Mentorship Program.
4) A Win: In Georgia, APRN Preceptors Gain Tax Incentives
On April 25, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signed into law the Preceptor Tax Incentive Program. The action offers financial incentive to keep much-needed preceptors in the state so that a greater number of advanced practice registered nurses are available to provide care for Georgians.
3) Two Doctoral Students Ask: Why Don’t Nurses Choose Nursing First?
During their doctoral studies, two nursing students realized that many of their colleagues had started out with degrees that were unrelated to nursing. They became curious about what influenced people to consider, or not consider, nursing from the start.
2) New Future of Nursing Study to Look to 2030: Watch Opening Session
After months of preparation, the National Academy of Medicine on March 20 held the first meeting of the Future of Nursing 2020-2030 Study Committee. The Campaign encouraged Action Coalitions to watch the live-streamed event and learn about the scope of the planned research.
and the most read blog post of 2019 is…
1) New Resource Highlights Nurses Heeding the Call to Earn Their BSN
The Center to Champion Nursing in America, an initiative of AARP Foundation, AARP and RWJF, produced three maps illustrating the significant growth in baccalaureate-prepared nurses across the nation.