2025 Nursing Innovations Fund Call for Applications: 8 days 20 hours 57 minutes 30 seconds

Issue   Improving Access to Care

Displaying 1-8 of 176

  1. Current Nursing Workforce Shortage & Promising Solutions


    https://youtu.be/j–YsflspMc The Current Nursing Workforce Shortage and Promising Solutions discussion highlighted the current nursing workforce shortage and various promising programs to recruit and retain nurses. Facilitator: James Ballinghoff, DNP, MBA, RNChief Nurse Executive, University of Pennsylvania Health SystemVice President/Chief more

    Issues: Improving Access to Care

  2. Kansas Joins States Offering Consumers Improved Access Care

    Apr 26, 2022

    Kansas’ approximately 3 million residents will soon have direct access to primary care from advanced practice registered nurses. The Sunflower State on April 15 became the 26th state – and the second state within a month – to adopt full practice authority, meaning more

    Issues: Improving Access to Care Location: Kansas

  3. New York Increases People’s Access to Nurse-Provided Care

    Apr 15, 2022

    New York’s more than 20 million residents will now have direct access to primary health care from nurse practitioners. On April 9, Gov. Kathy Hochul signed the state budget into law, and it included a provision that secured improved health care access for residents in the state. more

    Issues: Improving Access to Care Location: New York

  4. Update: More States Improved Patients’ Access to Nurses in 2021

    Jan 19, 2022

    Lifting restrictions on the care nurses can provide gives more Americans better access to high-quality, affordable health care when and where they need it, including in rural and other underserved areas of the country. The Nurse Practitioner Journal is just out with its more

    Issues: Improving Access to Care

  5. Giving Thanks

    Nov 18, 2021

    The weeks before and after Thanksgiving are usually filled with grace and gratefulness. And so it is even this year, a year of highs and lows. Through it all, you, our great network of allies and friends, have shown remarkable strength. Today, we write simply to say thanks. more

    Issues: Improving Access to Care

  6. Delaware Becomes 24th State to Recognize Full Practice Authority for APRNs

    Aug 05, 2021

    Delaware’s nearly 1 million residents now have improved access to primary health care from advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs), thanks to two bills signed into law August 4, 2021 by Gov. John Carney (D). The first, HB 141, authorizes nurse practitioners and all more

    Issues: Improving Access to Care Location: Delaware

  7. Survey Finds Barriers to APRN Practice Continued During COVID-19

    Jul 14, 2021

    In 2020, many states temporarily lifted selected practice barriers for advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) to improve access to care during the pandemic. Tennessee was one of those states, and the Tennessee Nurses Association’s executive director asked researchers more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Improving Access to Care

  8. In Dark Times, NAM Study Sees a Bright Future for Nursing

    May 11, 2021

    Earlier today, the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) released its eagerly awaited report, The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity. The report’s dedication to “nurses around the world who paid the ultimate price of caring for people more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Improving Access to Care Improving Health Equity Increasing Diversity in Nursing Promoting Nursing Leadership Transforming Nursing Education

Displaying 1-8 of 176


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