Campaign Blog

Displaying 705-712 of 891

  1. In Memoriam: Dean Rita Frantz

    Sep 13, 2016

    The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action is saddened to learn of the death of University of Iowa College of Nursing Dean Rita Ann Frantz, PhD, RN, FAAN, on September 7. Dean Frantz had retired the day before her death. Dean Frantz, who was co-lead of the Iowa Action Coalition, more

    Location: Iowa

  2. Good Health Means Good Business

    Sep 13, 2016

    Health Means Business, a two-year campaign of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, features forums throughout the country showcasing businesses in each city that know—and act on the belief—that economic health and community health are inextricably intertwined. The Campaign is proud to note Lisa Eichelberger, more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Location: Georgia

  3. The Arkansas Action Coalition and Arkansas Center for Nursing

    Sep 12, 2016

    The Arkansas Action Coalition is pleased to announce the formation of the Arkansas Center for Nursing, Inc., a nonprofit organization.  The work of the Arkansas Action Coalition over the years to create changes for improved health care in our state will continue to be accomplished and sustained by the Arkansas Center for Nursing, Inc. Arkansas more

    Issues: Collecting Workforce Data Location: Arkansas

  4. Dubree Inducted Into YWCA’s Academy for Women of Achievement

    Sep 09, 2016

    Marilyn Dubree, MSN, RN, executive chief nursing officer, will be inducted along with seven other inspiring Nashville women into the YWCA’s 2016 Academy for Women of Achievement. Marilyn Dubree, MSN, RN, NE-BCExecutive Chief Nursing OfficerVanderbilt University Medical Centerphoto: Anne more

    Issues: Promoting Nursing Leadership Location: Tennessee

  5. Roots of Success Take Hold in Nevada

    Sep 09, 2016

    Two inspired nurses met one inspired urban farmer, and a Culture of Health began to blossom. The dedication on the part of Debra Collins, BSN, co-chair of the Nevada Action Coalition (NAC) and former chair of the Nevada Alliance for Nursing Excellence, and Linda Paulic, RNC, more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Location: Nevada

  6. Treating People Not the Same As Treating Illness

    Sep 08, 2016

    It’s no secret that health care is hardest to come by in rural parts of the country. But, as it turned out in at least one rural community, building more clinics did not help; what helped was building relationships. More than a decade ago, the Centers for Disease Control and more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Location: Pennsylvania West Virginia

  7. Alaska’s Summer Triumph

    Sep 07, 2016

    Members of the state’s APRN Alliance gather around Alaska Gov. Bill Walker just after the signing of SB 53, which brings Alaska into full alignment with the APRN Consensus Model, a key recommendation for state legislatures in the Institute of Medicine report. This more

    Issues: Improving Access to Care Location: Alaska

  8. New Wisconsin Video Promotes Nursing Diversity

    Sep 06, 2016

    The Wisconsin Center for Nursing, co-lead for the Wisconsin Action Coalition recently released Nursing in Wisconsin: Faces of the Future, a video to promote the critical need to build a diverse nursing workforce. The video features multiple, diverse nursing students from the Wisconsin Student Nurses Association as they showcase the many roles of nursing to more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Increasing Diversity in Nursing Location: Wisconsin

Displaying 705-712 of 891


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