Charting Nursing’s Future: A Valuable Resource
Charting Nursing’s Future has been providing information on key policy issues for the past 10 years, and highlights the important role nurses play in building a Culture of Health. In its September 2016 issue, the American Journal of Nursing praised Charting Nursing’s Future for its “wide range of topics of interest to nurses,” calling it “a great resource not only for nurses, but for policymakers, consumers, health care organizations, and educators.”
Charting Nursing’s Future highlights from 2016 include:
- “When Disaster Strikes: Nurse Leadership, Nursing Care, and Teamwork Save Lives,” which was released during National Preparedness Month, focused on the role of nurses and interprofessional communication during disasters such as a hurricane, terrorist attack, and infectious disease outbreak. Articles highlighted the role of nurses in the disaster management cycle and of lessons learned from those disasters.
- “The Changing Face of Nursing: Creating a Workforce for an Increasingly Diverse Nation,” included research showing that a health care workforce that reflects the diversity of the U.S. population leads to better patient care. The brief describes strategies that have effectively increased nursing student and workforce diversity.
Charting Nursing’s Future is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The briefs can be sent by email to those signing up on the Charting Nursing’s Future link on RWJF’s website.