2025 Nursing Innovations Fund Call for Applications:

Issue   Fostering Interprofessional Collaboration

Displaying 9-16 of 62

  1. National

    A Gestational Diabetes Risk Reduction and Preconception Counseling Program for American Indian and Alaska Native Girls – Stopping GDM


    American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) women are disproportionally affected by adolescent obesity, adolescent pregnancy, and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). GDM in turn increases the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes in mothers and their offspring. There is a great more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Fostering Interprofessional Collaboration Location: National

  2. AARP, RWJF Leaders Write About Combined Histories, Successes

    Nov 22, 2019

    When the nation’s largest philanthropy devoted to improving health and health care connected with the nation’s largest consumer membership organization, good things were bound more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Collecting Workforce Data Fostering Interprofessional Collaboration Improving Access to Care Increasing Diversity in Nursing Promoting Nursing Leadership Transforming Nursing Education

  3. AARP Bulletin Shines Light on Nursing Work and Leader Reinhard

    Sep 16, 2019

    “We work to empower nurses,” says Susan Reinhard, RN, PhD, FAAN, chief strategist of the Center to Champion Nursing in America (CCNA), in the latest edition of AARP Bulletin, which goes to AARP’s 38 million members. The full-page article focuses on Reinhard and CCNA’s more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Collecting Workforce Data Fostering Interprofessional Collaboration Improving Access to Care Increasing Diversity in Nursing Promoting Nursing Leadership Transforming Nursing Education

  4. Participate in the Future of Nursing 2030 Twitter Chats

    May 23, 2019

    To reach more nurses in the field and to prepare for the upcoming Future of Nursing 2020-2030 summer meetings, the National Academy of Medicine will host three Future of Nursing more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Collecting Workforce Data Fostering Interprofessional Collaboration Improving Access to Care Increasing Diversity in Nursing Promoting Nursing Leadership Transforming Nursing Education

  5. New Future of Nursing Study to Look to 2030: Watch Opening Session

    Mar 05, 2019

    After months of preparation, the National Academy of Medicine on March 20 will formally begin a new study, The Future of Nursing 2020-2030, and Action Coalitions are encouraged to watch more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Collecting Workforce Data Fostering Interprofessional Collaboration Improving Access to Care Increasing Diversity in Nursing Promoting Nursing Leadership Transforming Nursing Education

  6. National

    We’re Making Headway on the IOM Nursing Goals

    Feb 20, 2019

    For nearly a decade now, the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action, our state-based Action Coalitions, and supporters and allies across the nation have worked tirelessly to implement the Institute of Medicine’s Future of Nursing report recommendations. To help mark our more

    Issues: Collecting Workforce Data Fostering Interprofessional Collaboration Improving Access to Care Increasing Diversity in Nursing Promoting Nursing Leadership Transforming Nursing Education Location: National

  7. RWJF State Implementation Program Resources Available on Campaign Website

    Jan 31, 2019

    Credit:Bill Oxford More than 100 resources created as part of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Future of Nursing: State Implementation Program (SIP) are now available on the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action website. For four years, SIP helped bolster more

    Issues: Collecting Workforce Data Fostering Interprofessional Collaboration Increasing Diversity in Nursing Promoting Nursing Leadership Transforming Nursing Education

  8. National

    Nine Years Strong: A Look at What the Campaign Has Accomplished

    Jan 07, 2019

    Dear Campaign leaders, Sometimes it’s hard to realize how big something is when you’re in the thick of it. That’s why, as we enter our ninth year of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action, we want to step back to fully appreciate where we are. You are leaders at more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Collecting Workforce Data Fostering Interprofessional Collaboration Improving Access to Care Increasing Diversity in Nursing Promoting Nursing Leadership Transforming Nursing Education Location: National

Displaying 9-16 of 62


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