Celebrating the Grand Opening of the Aila Accad Center for Nurse Entrepreneurship

The Future of Nursing West Virginia Action Coalition held the grand opening of the Aila Accad Center for Nurse Entrepreneurship Saturday, September 24, ahead of the West Virginia 2022 Gala Fundraiser and Awards Ceremony. The Center, named for the late Aila Accad, MSN, RN who served as executive director at Future of Nursing West Virginia, was established earlier this year to support nurses interested in opening health-related businesses.
In 2021, the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), which works for sustainable community and economic development, announced it would award the Future of Nursing West Virginia coalition $630,000 to establish the West Virginia Center for Nurse Entrepreneurship. The Entrepreneur Project, which was the precursor to the Center, grew out of the 2018 Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action Nursing Innovations Fund.
Below are some photos from the grand opening, courtesy of Susan Hassmiller, PhD, RN, FAAN, former director of the Campaign.