2025 Nursing Innovations Fund Call for Applications:

Issue   Transforming Nursing Education

Displaying 9-16 of 149

  1. Congratulations to Leanne Lefler, PhD, APRN, ACNS-BC, FAHA – University of Arkansas

    Aug 10, 2020

    On August 6, 2020, The American Academy of Nursing (Academy) announced it has selected 230 distinguished nurse leaders to join the 2020 Class of Fellows. These inductees are recognized for their significant contributions to health and health care. The Tennessee Action more

    Issues: Promoting Nursing Leadership Transforming Nursing Education Location: Tennessee

  2. Snapshot of Today’s Nursing Workforce

    Jul 18, 2020

    The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) provides resources for better understanding of today’s Nursing Workforce. These resources can be found at this link. more

    Issues: Collecting Workforce Data Transforming Nursing Education Location: Tennessee

  3. Population Health Matters More Than Ever Before

    Jul 17, 2020

    For the past several years, my colleagues and I have been conducting research in the future of population health in nursing. Much of our research has concerned questions like how nurses can better understand social systems and entrenched inequality. We were especially more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Promoting Nursing Leadership Transforming Nursing Education

  4. Resources on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

    Jul 16, 2020

    The AHA and AONL are closely monitoring COVID-19 information and working with the CDC as well as other federal, state and local partners to respond to this challenge and to make sure hospitals and health systems have the most up-to-date information. For the most up to date more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Transforming Nursing Education Location: Tennessee

  5. 1-day Sigma Region 8 Virtual Conference on Thursday, September 17, 2020

    Jul 16, 2020

    Make plans to join us for the 1-day Sigma Region 8 Virtual Conference on Thursday, September 17, 2020 6.5 CEUs will be offered 2 keynote speakers and 4 breakout sessions Use registration link above to reserve your spot! Registration is only $49 and includes more

    Issues: Fostering Interprofessional Collaboration Increasing Diversity in Nursing Promoting Nursing Leadership Transforming Nursing Education Location: Tennessee

  6. Population Health in Nursing and the Response to COVID-19

    Jul 02, 2020

    Nurses across America are feeling challenged by the events of this year — most especially by the COVID-19 pandemic. But nurses also offer resources and solutions in these crises that no one else can. Working across the spectrum of care, our profession has perspective on more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Promoting Nursing Leadership Transforming Nursing Education

  7. Nurse Educators Consider the Path Forward During COVID-19

    Jun 15, 2020

    Kristen Brown, DNP, MS, RN, advanced practice simulation coordinator in a sim lab at Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing. The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred nurse educators to reconsider simulation’s role in more

    Issues: Transforming Nursing Education

  8. World Nursing Report Urges Creation of 6 Million New Nursing Jobs

    Apr 09, 2020

    Now, more than ever, the world needs all health care providers working to the full extent of their education and training, especially the largest profession in the health sector, nursing. The World Health Organization, in partnership with the  International Council of more

    Issues: Collecting Workforce Data Increasing Diversity in Nursing Promoting Nursing Leadership Transforming Nursing Education

Displaying 9-16 of 149


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