2025 Nursing Innovations Fund Call for Applications:

Issue   Transforming Nursing Education

Displaying 105-112 of 149

  1. BeyondRN.com – an RN to BSN website and video

    Apr 04, 2016

    The Virginia Action Coalition launched beyondRN.com, a website designed to enable nurses who wish to obtain their BSN (or other nursing) degree to easily find information in one place. The site asks users to select their current level of education and the level they wish to achieve, and they receive immediate options for completing their degree more

    Issues: Transforming Nursing Education Location: Virginia

  2. Wisconsin Advances BSN Completion with ‘CNO Toolkit for Academic Progression’

    Apr 01, 2016

    At the recent state conference of the Wisconsin Organization of Nurse Executives (WONE), the Wisconsin CNO Toolkit for Academic Progression was showcased in a breakout session to nursing leaders. The Toolkit was developed by the Wisconsin Center for Nursing (WCN) as part of its RWJF SIP grant award, Taking the LEAD for Nursing in Wisconsin: Leadership, more

    Issues: Transforming Nursing Education Location: Wisconsin

  3. National

    University of Maryland School of Nursing Awarded State Implementation Program Grant

    Mar 30, 2016

    The University of Maryland School of Nursing (UMSON) has been awarded a $150,000 State Implementation Program (SIP) grant through the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. UMSON’s grant is in effect from November 2015 through January 2017. SIP grants were created to support the implementation othe Institute of Medicines recommendations outlined in its 2010 more

    Issues: Improving Access to Care Increasing Diversity in Nursing Transforming Nursing Education Location: Maryland National

  4. National

    Progress on the Institute of Medicine Recommendations: Perspectives on the Evidence, Nursing Education


    Hosted on March 22, 2016:  Eighty percent of nurses should hold a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) by 2020, the Institute of Medicine said in 2010. The data shows progress is being made toward that goal, and research shows that hospitals with higher proportions of nurses with BSNs have better patient outcomes. Join Linda Aiken, PhD, FAAN, RN, more

    Issues: Transforming Nursing Education Location: National

  5. National

    The Nursing Student’s Role in Building a Culture of Health


    Hosted on March 3, 2016:  The Culture of Health is a new way to think about all aspects of health. This webinar will help members of the National Student Nurses’ Association understand the important role nursing students play in creating healthier communities, and can provide ideas for new, innovative actions. Culture of Health values can easily more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Transforming Nursing Education Location: National

  6. Highlights of President’s FY2017 Budget Proposal for Nursing

    Feb 18, 2016

    The administration’s budget for fiscal year 2017 touched on a lot of Culture of Health themes: In announcing it early this month, President Obama spoke of the need to work to deliver to all a fair shot at opportunity, tackle poverty, boost education, help families move to safer neighborhoods, and revitalize distressed communities. Here are the proposed more

    Issues: Improving Access to Care Increasing Diversity in Nursing Transforming Nursing Education

  7. National

    Champions of Nursing

    Feb 12, 2016

    The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action Summit 2015, the national conference that took place in Washington, D.C., December 9–10, could not have happened were it not for the generosity of five sponsors who understand how important a strong nursing field is to America’s health. Thanks to these leaders: Aetna Aetna wants to build a better health care more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Collecting Workforce Data Fostering Interprofessional Collaboration Improving Access to Care Increasing Diversity in Nursing Promoting Nursing Leadership Transforming Nursing Education Location: National

  8. Advancing Nursing Education, Advancing Health: New video encourages registered nurses to earn a BSN to better respond to a changing health care system

    Jan 29, 2016

    Nursing skills at the baccalaureate level are in high demand. A new video from the Washington Center for Nursing, “Advancing Nursing Education, Advancing Health,” shows why earning a BSN is key for nurses to help transform the health care system, and why investing in a higher degree is a smart career decision. In the video, nurses will hear the employer more

    Issues: Promoting Nursing Leadership Transforming Nursing Education Location: Washington

Displaying 105-112 of 149


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