2025 Nursing Innovations Fund Call for Applications:

Issue   Fostering Interprofessional Collaboration

Displaying 41-48 of 62

  1. National

    Nurses Serve Wisdom at Food Banks, Farmers Markets

    Jun 22, 2016

    A New York Times story about food banks—and diabetes—touches on a theme similar to one in the recently released video about interprofessional collaboration at health care facilities. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation video, which points out that all such efforts rest on a Culture of Health, reports that health care providers at one featured site, the more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Fostering Interprofessional Collaboration Location: Connecticut National Texas

  2. Registration Open for the 2016 Michigan Nursing Summit

    Jun 16, 2016

    The Michigan Center for Nursing’s 2016 nursing summit will be held September 29-30, 2016 at the Soaring Eagle Casino & Resort in Mount Pleasant, MI. The purpose of this years summit, themed A Culture of Health, is to increase nurses’ understanding of factors that impact more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Fostering Interprofessional Collaboration Improving Access to Care Increasing Diversity in Nursing Promoting Nursing Leadership Transforming Nursing Education Location: Michigan

  3. National

    Lessons From the Field: Promising Interprofessional Practices

    Jun 14, 2016

    “We’ve been able to improve outcomes by implementing programs. …That takes pharmacy, physicians, nursing, all at the table to figure out exactly how to get that done.” “We work together and really rally around themes that we come to by consensus.” Those are just a few of the comments from health care professionals across the country more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Fostering Interprofessional Collaboration Location: National

  4. Plotting the Nurse’s Path Pointed Nurses Toward Board Positions

    Jun 10, 2016

    On June 9th, forty-five local nurses attended the “Plotting the Nurse’s Path to the Boardroom” workshop organized by the Oregon Action Coalition (OAC) and the Oregon more

    Issues: Fostering Interprofessional Collaboration Promoting Nursing Leadership Location: Oregon

  5. National

    The Dashboard, Campaign’s Measure(s) of Success, Gets Upgraded

    Jun 02, 2016

    Since the Institute of Medicine (IOM) set the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action on its course with its recommendations in 2010, the Campaign and its Action Coalitions have used a dashboard to keep track of progress. That gauge has just been updated, in an effort to better more

    Issues: Collecting Workforce Data Fostering Interprofessional Collaboration Improving Access to Care Increasing Diversity in Nursing Promoting Nursing Leadership Transforming Nursing Education Location: National

  6. National

    AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins on ‘Why We Celebrate Nurses’

    May 06, 2016

    For a smooth-functioning, equitable health care system, “we’re going to need every nurse,” says AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins in her essay celebrating National Nurses Week. For everyone’s good, the nation needs more nurses and needs to make sure that they are partners in making decisions. Writes Jenkins, “This National Nurses Week, all of us at AARP more

    Issues: Collecting Workforce Data Fostering Interprofessional Collaboration Improving Access to Care Increasing Diversity in Nursing Promoting Nursing Leadership Transforming Nursing Education Location: National

  7. National

    National Nurses Week: A Time to Say Thank You

    May 05, 2016

    At 3.4 million strong, nurses are the largest group of health care providers in the U.S. Year after year, Gallup’s annual poll finds nurses rank as having the highest honesty and ethical standards of any profession. We interact with nurses every day—in our hospitals, more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Collecting Workforce Data Fostering Interprofessional Collaboration Improving Access to Care Increasing Diversity in Nursing Promoting Nursing Leadership Transforming Nursing Education Location: National

Displaying 41-48 of 62


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