Tennessee 40 Under 40 Nurse Leader Program
Request for Nominations for 2022 Cohort

Deadline Extended to March 1, 2022
As members of the United States’ most trusted profession, nurses are in unique positions to influence health outcomes. Because nurses work in diverse community settings – like schools, workplaces, homes, prisons, hospitals, and assisted living facilities – we, as a group, have unparalleled power to influence and improve health in our state. We are a vital part of the fabric of our communities; we have the potential to inspire and enact meaningful change.
The Tennessee Action Coalition (TAC) aims to equip and empower nurses to drive meaningful health-related change in their communities and beyond. Founded as part of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action, Action Coalitions exist in every state and DC, thanks to a collaboration among The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the AARP Foundation, and AARP. TAC enabled institutions and nursing leaders from our 3 Grand Regions to participate in listening sessions and interviews that informed the Future of Nursing 2020-2030 report. TAC’s current priorities reflect the 2020-2030 recommendations.
In 2021, TAC launched its newest leadership initiative. Together with the Tennessee Nurses Association (TNA) and the Tennessee Hospital Association (THA), TAC acknowledged nurses under the age of 40 as Rising Star Nurse Leaders. Honorees participated in a collaborative learning program designed to engage and empower young nurses to lead the nursing profession and improve Tennesseans’ health. The program was based on what our young nurse leaders said they needed to advance their careers and promote health in TN. Our young nurse leaders met with state and national leaders including ANA President, Dr. Ernest Grant; TNA Executive Director, Tina Girardi; Tennessee’s first nurse Health Commissioner, Susan Cooper; and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Senior Nurse Advisor, Dr. Susan Hassmiller. They participated in leadership assessment and discussion using Clifton Strengths with one of our own TN leaders, Tina McElravey, and participated in a training session on quality improvement and disruptive innovation with Drs. Susie Leming-Lee and Phil Gibbs.
TAC, THA, and TNA will again recognize Rising Star Nurse Leaders in 2022. Nurses may nominate themselves or be nominated by someone else. The nomination process includes completing an online form and submitting the candidate’s CV, resume, or LinkedIn URL. Up to two letters of support may be submitted. Successful nominees will demonstrate a commitment to excellence and positive role modeling in leadership, professional development and growth, personal health and wellness, and the promotion of a culture of health.
Please submit nominations at: https://forms.gle/jDabMnMrMvFvoYBv9
Deadline Extended to March 1, 2022