2025 Nursing Innovations Fund Call for Applications:

Event Archive

Displaying 145-152 of 161

  1. National

    The Shared Curriculum Model (SCM): Part Two – Unpacking ADN-BSN Seamless Progression Webinar

    Wednesday, January 9, 2013

    4×3 mp4x shared curriculum part 2 from Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action, Dr. Liz Close provides insight into the complexities of achieving seamless progression in this 29 minute video. Please find the PowerPoint presentation below. more

    Issues: Transforming Nursing Education Location: National

  2. National

    The Competency Model Webinar Part 1

    Wednesday, January 9, 2013

    Dr. Maureen Sroczynski presents a general introduction of the Competency Based model implementation in this 23 minute video. PPT Presentation THE COMPETENCY OR OUTCOMES BASED CURRICULUM MODEL more

    Issues: Transforming Nursing Education Location: National

  3. National

    The Gap Analysis Process: A Major Component of the Competency Model Webinar Part 2

    Wednesday, January 9, 2013

    Dr. Maureen Sroczynski provides a deep dive into a Gap Analysis assessing the curriculum need for change to meet the current and future nursing competencies in this 29 minute video Please find the PowerPoint presentation below. more

    Issues: Transforming Nursing Education Location: National

  4. National

    Promising Education Progression Models Video Series: The RN-BSN at a Community College Model

    Wednesday, January 9, 2013

    Dr. Jean Wortock presents her insights about the implementation of the RN to BSN at the Community College from her wealth of experience in this 42 minute video. View the PowerPoint presentation more

    Issues: Transforming Nursing Education Location: National

  5. National

    Promising Education Models Video: Western Governors University and Educational Partners

    Saturday, January 5, 2013

    Challenges that Action Coalitions experience as  they implement the promising education models include how to increase the number of students served and maintain quality with limited resources.  Jan Jones-Schenk at Western Governors University offers the prospect of partnerships with online programs as a strategy to increase the number of students more

    Issues: Transforming Nursing Education Location: National

  6. National

    The Gap Analysis Process: A major component of the Competency Model

    Friday, January 4, 2013

    Dr. Maureen Sroczynski provides a deep dive into a Gap Analysis assessing the curriculum need for change to meet the current and future nursing competencies in this 29 minute video.  Please find the PowerPoint presentation below. more

    Issues: Transforming Nursing Education Location: National

  7. National

    Preparing Nurses to Lead in Practice: Snapshots of Nurses from Sigma Theta Tau’s International Leadership Institute

    Monday, September 24, 2012

    Hosted on September 24, 2012: This webinar,Preparing Nurses to Lead in Practice, was presented by Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI),  showcased nurse leaders who are leading change and advancing health in current practice following participation in one of the STTI Leadership Academies. STTI prepares nurses to lead change to advance more

    Issues: Promoting Nursing Leadership Location: National

  8. National

    Strategies and Tactics for Successful Legislation to Remove Barriers to APRN Practice and Care

    Tuesday, July 17, 2012

    Hosted on July 17, 2012: Participants learned about successful strategies and tactics for removing legislative barriers to APRN practice and care. This webinar features colleagues from North Dakota and Maryland who shared the importance of nurses speaking as one voice to legislators. Presenters:   Andrea Brassard, PhD, FNP-BC, Senior more

    Issues: Improving Access to Care Location: Maryland National North Dakota

Displaying 145-152 of 161