2025 Nursing Innovations Fund Call for Applications:

South Carolina

State Implementation Program

Phases: SIP 2  SIP 4 

South Carolina One Voice One-Plan State Implementation Program Two

Project Accomplishments:


The South Carolina Action Coalition helped boost the supply of baccalaureate-prepared nurses in the state from 32 percent in 2010 to 49 percent in 2017. Several of the state’s Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) programs collaborated with Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) programs to create models for academic progression. Included in these models were Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)-to-BSN and Veterans-to-BSN program.

Leadership and Diversity

The Action Coalition focused on leadership development in both practice and education. The Coalition helped revitalize and expand the Amy V. Cockcroft Leadership Development program at the University of South Carolina. . Two education sessions and a leadership summit were held to encourage nurses to pursue leadership positions. The state numbers for nurses on boards increased from 69 to 85 through November 2017.

The Action Coalition also collaborated with the South Carolina Council of Deans and Directors of Nursing Education to create a mentoring program for new or interim deans in the state to facilitate interchange, support, and communication.

In both these activities, the Action Coalition focused on increasing the diversity of both groups and remains committed to working diligently to focus on diversity in all activities.


Publications: None


Interested in learning about how the South Carolina State Action Coalition is making a difference?