2025 Nursing Innovations Fund Call for Applications:


State Implementation Program

Phases: SIP 1  SIP 4 

Maryland Review and Revision of Articulation Model

and Diversity/Inclusivity Strategic Plan Development

Project Accomplishments:


With a goal of revising the Maryland Statewide Articulation Model to improve academic progression in the state, the Maryland Action Coalition (MDAC) convened a work group representing four year universities, community colleges, and historically black colleges and universities, as well as rural, suburban, and urban schools. The team gathered input from the Maryland Council of Deans and Directors of Nursing Programs by distributing an electronic survey that was completed by 100 percent of its members. In November 2017, the Maryland Secretary of Education endorsed the proposed revisions.


Another goal was to develop a strategic plan to increase diversity in the nursing work force. Prior to developing the plan, the Action Coalition invited minority nursing groups to join an advisory group that provided feedback as the plan was developed. The Action Coalition’s annual summit served as an opportunity to receive attendee input. On October 2017, Action Coalition leadership approved the final plan, which sets five strategic goals and established a Diversity and Inclusion Committee.



  • Wiseman, R., Trocky, N., Travis, P., Kirschling, J. (2017). Maryland Action Coalition: Academic Progression Takes Several Pathways. Nursing Education Perspectives, 38(5), E13.

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