RWJF State Implementation Program Resources Available on Campaign Website

More than 100 resources created as part of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Future of Nursing: State Implementation Program (SIP) are now available on the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action website.
For four years, SIP helped bolster states’ efforts to implement recommendations from the Institute of Medicine report The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. Such efforts include steps that the Campaign’s state Action Coalitions took to build a sustainable infrastructure for their organizations.
The Center to Champion Nursing in America, an initiative of AARP Foundation, AARP, and RWJF, served as the national program office for SIP. Between February 2013 and October 2017, 34 Action Coalitions received two-year grants of up to $150,000, totaling awards at just over $8.5 million. Additionally, the Action Coalitions raised over $4.3 million in matching funds.
The resulting resources may be useful for Action Coalitions and Campaign stakeholders and are categorized as follows:
- Improving access to care
- Promoting nursing leadership
- Transforming nursing education
- Increasing diversity in nursing
- Collecting workforce data
- Enhancing sustainability
Action Coalitions that earned SIP grants reported numerous accomplishments and outcomes, including launching an APRN fellowship program; developing nurse leadership institutes, workshops, and trainings; producing career-planning resources and toolkits for prospective or current nursing students; developing academic progression models; creating reports and best practices for the recruitment of diverse nurses; conducting research and analyzing data on the nursing workforce; enhancing stakeholder engagement through the development of new partnerships; and much more.
View the entire list of resources with the option to filter by state.
Additional resources are available in an education compendium produced in 2017, Nursing Education and the Decade of Change: Strategies to Meet America’s Health Needs, which highlights the major accomplishments of SIP as well as the RWJF Academic Progression in Nursing (APIN) program. Combined, these programs helped transform nursing education over the last decade. The compendium, which outlines many of the lessons learned and strategies for continued progress, may be found online.