GNLC around the country
The GNLC has been presenting the results of some of our work around the country. At the Annual Conference of the National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers in Orlando, FL., April 27-29. Dr. Lisa Eichelberger gave a presentation called “The hunt for good workforce data” describing the process involved in obtaining the nursing workforce data in Georgia. Dr. Rebecca Wheeler gave a presentation called “Underrepresented populations in nursing: Perspectives on doctoral education” giving key results from the 2016 summer survey where we asked nurses from underrepresented populations what they thought about doctoral education. Dr. Wheeler also presented a poster about our new APRN workforce data at the American Association of Medical College’s 12th Annual Health Workforce Research Conference. These were both wonderful opportunities to hear what other states and disciplines are doing in health workforce research and to network and make connections. Currently the GNLC is working on a comprehensive report about the nursing workforce in Georgia based on the 2014-2015 re-licensure survey. When finished, it will be posted on the website.