2025 Nursing Innovations Fund Call for Applications:


State Implementation Program

Phases: SIP 1  SIP 3 

ReNEW (Revolutionizing Nursing Education in Wyoming)

Project Accomplishments:

Nursing Education

The Wyoming Action Coalition, housed at the Wyoming Center for Nursing (WCN), developed a statewide Bachelor of Science of Nursing curriculum known as Revolutionizing Nursing Education in Wyoming (ReNEW). This curriculum has been adopted by six of seven Wyoming community colleges and the University of Wyoming (UW); the first students enrolled in the curriculum in fall 2016.

ReNEW aligns courses, financial aid, and advising to make transferring credits easier for the student as well as decrease repetition in the processes. ReNEW includes a common online application portal and tracking system developed for students to apply to UW; information can be found on its website.

All of the schools of nursing had a hand in creating ReNEW, and clinical agencies also assisted in the design of the new, concept-based curriculum, especially in adopting concept-based clinical experiences.

The ReNEW website, www.wyrenew.org, is the central repository of information for student, faculty, advisers, and employers. WyReNEW.org is also the portal for individuals seeking information on ReNEW, including preceptor orientation modules and clinical education toolkits.

Using SIP funds, the WCN also sponsors an annual education summit that allows faculty to take a step back and collaborate with nurses from across the state and the country in thinking about nursing education.

Strengthened by SIP funds, the Action Coalition focuses on visibility, resources, and sustainability through its Steering Committee. The Action Coalition established other committees as well, which have evolved with the project:

  • Curriculum and Evaluation: Developed the initial ReNEW curriculum and is now charged with establishing an evaluation plan and a process for making changes to the curriculum.
  • Professional Development: Plans Nursing Education Summit each year.
  • Clinical Education: Focused on developing toolkits for faculty, especially focused on concept-based learning.

Feedback regarding the new curriculum suggests that it is changing the culture of nursing education and supporting active engagement of students. This project has strengthened WCN’s partnerships, including support from UW and community colleges, the Office of Rural Health, Area Health Education Center, hospitals, and individuals from across the state.


The Diversity Task Force developed a diversity action plan, which was approved by the WCN advisory board and highlights the current diversity of high school students, nursing students, and nurses in Wyoming. This task force decided to focus solely on diversity of the student nursing population—the pipeline into nursing.




Interested in learning about how the Wyoming State Action Coalition is making a difference?