2025 Nursing Innovations Fund Call for Applications:


State Implementation Program

Phases: SIP 1  SIP 3 

Utah Nurse Residency and Breakthrough to Baccalaureate Initiative

Project Accomplishments:

Utah facilitated development of 29 nurse residency programs that reached 359 new nurse residents, including those in long-term care and ambulatory outpatient care. The Action Coalition developed and provided to all nurse residents content specific to cultural competency  and nurse resiliency, and to care of veterans and military members and their families. In addition, it developed and piloted a fellowship program for APRNs.

The Utah team crafted a clear plan to advance academic progression that included videos to support BSN and higher education, and presentations to high schools.

Utah supported increasing diversity of the nursing workforce through a number of initiatives, including support for a new chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses and a workshop to develop new mentors from a diversity of backgrounds.




Interested in learning about how the Utah State Action Coalition is making a difference?