2025 Nursing Innovations Fund Call for Applications:


State Implementation Program

Phases: SIP 1  SIP 3 

Project Accomplishments:

Pennsylvania has fostered outreach and sustainability through a dramatically increased social media presence and a gala, which raised nearly a quarter of a million dollars to be used for nursing scholarships and fellowships as well as advancing the IOM recommendations. The state team developed additional policies for fundraising, including board members’ contributions, which resulted in financial stability for the Action Coalition.

Pennsylvania advanced academic progression by identifying and highlighting best practices from employers in the state.

The state team’s strong efforts to increase diversity in nursing included creating a series of 21 YouTube videos featuring nurses from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds.

Pennsylvania’s partnerships with key stakeholders resulted in its being able to identify a high-quality, consistent source of nursing workforce data comprising a consortium of public and private entities, and allowed participating hospitals statewide better access to nurse residency programs.



Interested in learning about how the Pennsylvania State Action Coalition is making a difference?