2025 Nursing Innovations Fund Call for Applications:


State Implementation Program

Phases: SIP 1  SIP 3 

The Missouri Center for Nursing: Advancement, Access, Advocacy, and Awareness

Project Accomplishments:

Missouri strengthened infrastructure for its continued work, now housed at the Missouri Center for Nursing. The team developed a Leadership Academy, which has been offered 10 times and reached 454 nurses over the course of both SIP grant periods; the academy has become sustainable through sponsorships. Missouri also created and presented an advocacy workshop to inform individuals about the process for legislative advocacy to address health-related matters. Nearly 500 people attended one of five workshops.

Missouri also evaluated the feasibility of developing a program to assist military medics in obtaining a bachelor’s degree in nursing. SIP funds allowed the team to develop a full proposal for this program, which was subsequently funded through other sources, allowing this important initiative to advance.



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