2025 Nursing Innovations Fund Call for Applications:


State Implementation Program

Phase: SIP 1 

Implementation of Nurse Residency Programs by the Iowa Action Coalition

Project Accomplishments:

This project addressed the need for transition to practice nurse residency programs.  An evidence-based, interactive online program was created, tested, and implemented.  The final program includes 12 online modules, paced over one year.  Facilities could select a totally online option or a blended option, with in-person support from the home organization.   Financial sustainability was assured through an equitable fee structure.

In the initial 18 months, 422 residents were enrolled, and 189 had completed.  Nearly one quarter of the residents were from Critical Access Hospitals and a small number were from outside the acute care setting.  Evaluation of the program showed improvement in graduates’ perceptions of communication skills, patient safety, leadership skills, perceived support, and professional satisfaction.

Project Completed:

Iowa’s Online Nurse Residency Program


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