2025 Nursing Innovations Fund Call for Applications:


State Implementation Program

Phases: SIP 1  SIP 3 

Georgia Implementation Program – Phase 2

Project Accomplishments:

Transforming Nursing Education

The Georgia Action Coalition (Georgia Nursing Leadership Coalition (GNLC) focused on the development of a futuristic model for nursing doctoral education to increase diversity and enrollment of students. The Action Coalition successfully developed an online program with Georgia State University and Augusta University consisting of a mix of class meetings with a focus on research-intensive experiences and preparation and support of faculty to educate students in new ways. The new model resulted in increased enrollment over the first two years of the program and increased the diversity in Georgia’s doctoral programs by five percent. Additional funding was obtained from the University System of Georgia to extend this work and make enhancements moving forward. Participating students said the experience was invaluable by being accessible and flexible, allowing them to bond with one another and the institutions and socializing them to the culture of research.


Recognizing a dearth in the literature about barriers to doctoral education of underrepresented nurses, the GNLC developed a Doctoral Student Resource Page, a presentation on the Value of Nurses with Doctorates, and an annual doctoral symposium. Both were well received across the state. The student resource page gets an average of about 840 visits per month and provides synthesized data, reports, and infographics to program directors and students. The doctoral symposium provided opportunities for networking and support for those transitioning as new doctoral program directors.

Workforce Data

The GNLC partnered with the Georgia Board of Nursing and the Georgia Hospital Association to prepare an official report on two years of data on the Georgia Nursing Workforce. The Report on Registered Nursing Workforce data has been useful in informing public policy and serving as the foundation for future data and trends on the nursing workforce in Georgia.






Interested in learning about how the Georgia State Action Coalition is making a difference?