2025 Nursing Innovations Fund Call for Applications:


State Implementation Program

Phases: SIP 1  SIP 3 

Promoting Nurses as Leaders in Florida
to Advance Nursing and Health Policy

Project Accomplishments:

The Florida Action Coalition, based at the Florida Nursing Workforce Center, promoted nursing leadership when the workforce center carried out a statewide survey whose findings were the basis of a training program to develop nurses’ readiness for board service. The Board Service Initiative for Emerging Nurse Leaders provided a three-month learning experience through online courses, webinars, and group and individual coaching. Its website features graduates and links these new leaders with organizations seeking nurses as potential board members. Eighteen of the 26 graduates of the program have begun work on a policymaking board or other agency.

The Florida Action Coalition has partnered with Florida Blue, part of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, which strengthens its ability to sustain itself and improve health statewide.

Resources from the SIP Project:

Florida Database Connects Nurses to Boards in Search of Leaders


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