Apr 21, 2023

Resources to increase the number and diversity of nurses

Recommendation 1.6 of the 2021 Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity report calls for nursing organizations to increase the number and diversity of nurses, especially those with expertise in health equity, population health, and SDOH, on boards and in other leadership positions within and outside of health care (e.g., community boards, housing authorities, school boards, technology- related positions).

Increasing Racial/Ethnic Diversity in Nursing to Reduce Health Disparities and Achieve Health Equity

Resource: The authors outline a clear plan in to increase the diversity in nursing to reduce health disparities.

Citation: Phillips J. M, & Malone B. (2014). Increasing Racial/Ethnic Diversity in Nursing to Reduce Health Disparities and Achieve Health Equity. Public Health Rep. 2(Suppl 2):45-50. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24385664/

National Coalition of Ethnic Minority Nurse Associations

Resource: NCEMNA is a unified group that advocates for equity and justice in nursing and health care for ethnic minority populations.

Citation: National Coalition of Ethnic Minority Nurses Associations, ((n.d.).

Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit

Resource: Brown University’s Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit offers best practices for organizations to display an understanding of compliance, cultural awareness, respect for differences, and coaching for constructive change towards inclusive practices for all.

Citation: Brown University Office of Institutional Equity & Diversity (n.d.). Diversity and inclusion toolkit.

Diversity and Inclusion Tool Kit

Resource: This toolkit provides proven models and experiences from several PRSA chapters to assist in establishing diversity and inclusion committees or incorporating the toolkit into existing frameworks.

Citation: Fiske, R. M., Ross, B. & Keenean, H. (2016). Diversity and inclusion tool kit: Documents and materials to help chapters, districts, and sections develop diversity and inclusion within their organizations. (5th ed.). Public Relations Society of America.

Recruitment and Retention of Minority High School Students to Increase Diversity in the Nursing Profession

Resource: Author Denise Dawkins, DNP, RN, CNL, CHSE, discusses the importance of assessing and implementing strategies to increase racial and cultural diversity in nursing by creating a pipeline into nursing schools for Black/African American high school students, which will contribute to improving health and addressing racial disparities in this community.

Citation: Dawkins, D. (2021). Recruitment and retention of minority high school students to increase diversity in the nursing profession. Nursing Clinics of North America, 56(3),427-439.

A Group Think Tank as a Discourse Coalition to Promote Minority Nursing Faculty Retention

Resource: The article by Julion et al. discusses using Kotter’s Change Theory and a mentoring model referred to as a group think tank (GTT) to explore strategies to increase the recruitment and retention of minority nurses.

Citation: Julion, W., Bounds, Reed, M., Bounds, D. T., Cothran, F., Gamboa, C. & Sumo, J. (2019). A group think tank as a discourse coalition to promote minority nursing faculty retention. Nursing Outlook, 67(5), 586-595

Strategies to Address Structural and Institutional Barriers to Success Among Students of Color in Nursing Programs

Resource: The article by Matthews et al. describes strategies, goals, and activities used by a predominantly white nursing school located in a minority-serving institution designed to increase recruitment and retention of underrepresented students and increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in the nursing workforce.

Citation: Matthews, K., Abboud, S., Smith, A. U., Smith, C., Jeremiah, R., Hart, A. & Weaver. (2022). Strategies to address structural and institutional barriers to success among students of color in nursing programs. Journal of Professional Nursing, 40, 96-104.

Leveraging Resources for Educational Equity to Promote Academic Success Among Underrepresented Nursing Students: An Integrative Review

Resource: The Kirui and McGee conducted an integrative literature review to elucidate methods to foster academic success in underrepresented prelicensure students both pre and post-admission, which in turn will assist in bridging the current workforce gap.

Citation: Kirui, C. & McGee, J. (2021). Leveraging resources for educational equity to promote academic success among underrepresented nursing students: An intergrative review. National League for Nursing, 42(2), 212-215.

Careers Beyond the Bedside: An Effective Program to Increase Diversity in Nursing

Resource: Kowlowitz et al. discuss their Careers Beyond the Bedside (CaBB) program, consisting of recruitment activities, academic and professional support for nursing students, and activities to arouse interest in graduate school for underrepresented and disadvantaged nursing students. The program demonstrated effectiveness in recruiting and graduating disadvantaged and underrepresented students.

Citation: Kowlowitz, V., Rowsey, P. J., Woods-Giscombe, C., Kneipp, S. M., Page, J. & Gray, T. F. (2018). Careers beyond the bedside: An effective program to increase diversity in nursing. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 25(2), 41-48.

Why Representation in Nursing Matters: A Diverse nursing staff benefits patients, nurses, and overall health.

Resource: Consumer article quoting Nursing leaders (Grant, Fields, & Carter) for public awareness.

Citation: Levine, D. (2021). Why representation in nursing matters: A diverse nursing staff benefits patients, nurses, and overall health. U.S. News. (May 6th, 2021)

Diversity improves performance and outcomes

Resource: Umbrella review including 16 articles focused on diversity in the workplace with healthcare applications specifically.

Citation: Gomez, L. E. & Bernet, P. (2019). Diversity improves performance and outcomes. Journal of the National Medical Association, 111(14), 383-392.

Advancing the Mission: Tools for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Resource: This tool kit developed by the Annie E. Casey Foundation provides practial guidane and resources to assist foundations and organizations in achieving and advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion. Incorporated tools include an institutional assessment quiz, tools for building and sustaining awareness, and an accompanying video.

Citation: Annie E. Casey Foundation. (2009). Advancing the mission: Tools for equity. Diversity, and inclusion. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yPt4jGqkwVihrYqUPB956heWNXTx6JDz/view.

Advancing Diversity in Academic Nursing

Resource: This article discusses the need for academic institutions and accrediting agencies to develop programs, scholarships, and other avenues to create a pipeline for increasing diversity in the future nursing workforce.

Citation: Relf, M. V. (2016). Advancing diversity in academic nursing. Journal of Professional Nursing, 32(5), 542-547. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2016.02.010

2022-2026 FEMA Strategic Plan: Building the FEMA our Nation Needs and Deserves

Resource: Objective 1.1 of this strategic plan provides an overview of what has been done to accomplish diversity, equity, and inclusion within the organization. Most notably, FEMA has provided a list of initiatives developed to help improve equity in their workforce.

Citation: Federal Emergency Management Agency. (2023, January 16). 2022-2026 FEMA strategic plan: Building the FEMA our nation needs and deserves. https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/documents/fema_2022-2026-strategic-plan.pdf

Nurses for health equity: Guidelines for tackling the social determinants of health

Resource: We must come together—beyond disciplines, political views and economic divides—to invest and advance action. Population health and the welfare of our communities depend on it. I urge all partner stakeholders to advance this work and to continue to promote the leadership, autonomy and contribution of nurses to improve individual and public health outcomes worldwide.

Citation: Rosa, W.E., Hannaway, C.J., McArdle, C., McManus, M.F., Alharahsheh, S.T., & Marmot, M. (2021). Nurses for heatlh equity: Guidelines for tackling the social determinants of health. World Innovation Summit for Health. https://www.wish.org.qa/reports/nurses-for-health-equity-guidelines-for-tackling-the-social-determinants-of-health/

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace Certificate

Resource: Free/$99 14-hr 100% Online Open to the Public, 7 Modules, expert speakers. Participants must register and complete the course on academiacentral.org by Dec. 31, 2023. Modules are free but certificate cost $99

Citation: Florida, U. of S. (n.d.). Diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace certificate. Partners | Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Certificate | USF Muma College of Business. Retrieved February 15, 2023, from https://www.usf.edu/business/certificates/diversity-equity-inclusion/partners.aspx