Jun 09, 2021

Looking for Funding?

To help you find more funding opportunities, the Campaign for Action recommends the following helpful steps that put you on the road to successful fundraising.


First Action Step: Check your national, state, and local funding opportunities:

Foundation Directory Online – Comprehensive database and search engine on 165,000 U.S. Foundations.

GRANTS.GOV – Search federal grants that align with your work.

The Grantsmanship Center – Search state grant resources

Second Action Step: Once you have identified potential funders, remember to sign up for all email newsletters, announcements and alerts on the funding organization’s websites where you want to learn about new opportunities. This will be the most up to date way to receive the latest opportunities available.

Third Action Step: To learn what health conversion foundations are doing in your community to address social determinants of health, read the article below.

Social Determinants Of Health: How Are Health Conversion Foundations Using Their Resources To Create Change?

In addition, the Campaign has compiled a list of funding organizations and government agencies that provide funding on the topics of nursing, health, and health care.  This resource includes a brief overview of the organization, details on submitting grant proposals, and links to additional information.



Additional Resources

Action Coalition Tips: 

Wisconsin Fundraising Presentation

Nursing Scholarship Fundraising- Strategic Planning

Fundraising Handout- Connecticut Nursing Collaborative

Fundraising Materials from the Nebraska Action Coalition

Five Tips to Spruce Up Your Fund Raising Materials:

When was the last time you reviewed your fundraising materials? It’s a good idea to periodically re-evaluate and update your materials. Here are five key things to focus on.

6 Examples of Effective Fundraising Letters:

Reach out to potential donors via a strategically developed fundraising letter.   A changing world often prevents us from making ‘the ask’ in person, so learn to write a compelling letter seeking support of your work.

Learn what a 501c3 organization is and how to obtain this tax-exempt status for your Action Coalition:

What is a 501c3 and How to Apply?

IRS Guidelines

How to Retain New Donors Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic

Campbell and Company, whose mission is to collaborate and innovate with people who change lives through philanthropic vision and action, has provided fundraising strategies for organizations to reach out to and retain new donors during this pandemic and beyond.