Feb 13, 2020

Learning Collaboratives

The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action hosts regularly scheduled learning collaboratives, which are opportunities for Action Coalitions to learn and share knowledge about priority issues with each other, subject matter experts and Campaign stakeholders. Learning collaboratives may be conducted via teleconference, webinar, or as face-to-face meetings. Currently, we have three learning collaboratives, described below. To join a learning collaborative, please reach out to the contact person listed below.

Securing LPN Supply and Career Progression Learning Collaborative

The learning collaborative meets virtually each month and is working to transform the nursing workforce by strategically incorporating licensed practical nurses (LPNs)/licensed vocational nurses (LVNs) into our health care ecosystem. This collaborative will also identify institutional and public policy changes that can help our overall goals of supporting LPN/LVNs in their existing roles and helping those who are interested in advancing in the nursing workforce. The group includes leaders from various sectors, including health care, education and business. These meetings allow peer-to-peer engagement on how best to implement programs that help improve the economic mobility of LPN/LVNs through workforce programs.  

The learning collaborative is led by Deborah Stamps, EdD, RN, FAAN, Chief Equity through Nursing Advisor to AARP Center for Health Equity through Nursing. 

The first meeting is Monday, October 21 at 3 p.m. ET.  

Frequency:Third Monday of the month, 3 – 4 p.m. ET
Contact: Winifred Quinn, PhD, FAANP(H), FAAN
Director of Nursing Workforce & Policy

The Access to Care Learning Collaborative

Campaign for Action staff, stakeholders, Action Coalitions, and AARP state offices shares resources and tactics to remove legislative and regulatory barriers to advanced practice registered nurse practice and care. Participation is by invitation only. Calls are not recorded. Meeting notes are distributed after the call.

Frequency:First Monday of the month, 3 – 4 p.m. ET
Contact:Winifred Quinn, PhD, FAANP(H), FAAN(H)
Director of Nursing Workforce & Policy
Joint Mentor Training Learning Collaborative

The learning collaborative meets virtually each quarter and includes representatives from the American Indian/Alaska Native serving Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing programs, Hispanic serving Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing programs, HBCU Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing programs, and their associated Action Coalitions. These meetings allow the Campaign to offer technical assistance, peer-to-peer engagement and coaching on how best to implement mentoring programs to help improve retention and graduation rates for the nursing students and increase first-time pass rates on the NCLEX.

Contact:Jazmine Cooper, MBA
Sr. Project Advisor