Nov 27, 2017

New Campaign Video Celebrates Success, Highlights Potential

The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action has a new video out about its work. In less than five minutes, you can learn how changes in nursing have improved health and health care, the role the Campaign—and you—have had, and what more there is to do.

Spoiler alert: Partnering for Better Health makes the point throughout that nurses and the nursing workforce are the key to the country’s ability to get and stay healthy.

The video focuses especially on the Campaign’s work on three of the recommendations made by the then-Institute of Medicine’s Future of Nursing report. Through interviews with experts and students, what the video makes clear is that the efforts of many over the past five years have led to better laws, transformed education, and more nurses in leadership positions, all of which means healthier communities.

The Campaign is proud of how nurses have worked with consumer organizations, health systems, educators, associations, community leaders, government agencies, and others to create a healthier America. The work is not done, and we hope you find Partnering for Better Health inspiring and use it to encourage others join the movement too.