2025 Nursing Innovations Fund Call for Applications:


The Innovations Fund

Phases: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021

Pennsylvania Action Coalition Cohort of Exchanged Learning (PA-ACCEL) Mentorship Program

Project Description:



The Pennsylvania Action Coalition (PA-AC) will expand its current mentoring program that aims to equip nurses from underrepresented backgrounds with the tools they need to be successful nursing students and nursing professionals. Key components of the 2021-2022 program include mentorship matching from the PA-AC’s Nurse Diversity Council, along with exposure to public health advocacy to inspire health equity and justice. Additionally, the coalition will enhance and promote its PA-ACCEL Toolkit as a model for replication nationwide.



The Pennsylvania Action Coalition expanded on previous Nursing Innovations Fund projects to build upon their podcast series “At the Core of Care.” They produced ten additional podcasts that highlighted nurses working to address social determinants of health within their communities. Additionally, they worked with nursing school professors to further the reach of their podcasts into nursing school classrooms.

Summary of completed project

Season three of “At the Core Care” focused on nurses and issues related to the social determinants of health. Examples of topics included: school nursing, oral healthcare in “dental deserts,” LGBTQ+ inclusive care, sexual assault nurses, and more.

In addition to collaborating with partners to market and distribute the podcasts, they worked with their Pennsylvania Academic Progression in Nursing (PAPiN) workgroup to build a pilot program for professors to highlight one episode each week in nursing school classrooms.

Ten additional podcasts were created. The most listened to episode, “What’s Next for the Future of Nursing?” had 3,293 plays/downloads. Seven professors signed up to participate in the pilot project, committing to share one episode per week in their classrooms during the Fall 2021 and/or Spring 2022 semesters.

New partnerships that were formed to produce season three include:

  • Sanctuary Farm: an organization that addresses health inequities by converting abandoned and neglected areas in north Philadelphia into farm plots
  • National Association of School Nurses
  • Medical Oral Expanded Care, an initiative of DentaQuest Partnership for Oral Health Advancement in rural Pennsylvania
  • Luke’s Miners Hometown Federal Rural Health Clinic
  • Pennsylvania Youth Congress
  • Pennsylvania Coalition for Oral Health


The Pennsylvania Action Coalition produced ten episodes, which focused on topics related to the social determinants of health, for season three of their podcast series, “At the Core of Care.” To expand the reach of the podcast, they piloted a project with nursing school professors to implement relevant episodes into their curriculum. They plan to expand this project after receiving survey feedback at the end of the Spring 2022 semester. Additionally, the Pennsylvania Action Coalition hopes to collaborate with other organizations to sponsor future episodes that will feature the work of those organizations.



The Pennsylvania Action Coalition developed a podcast series, “At the Core of Care,” to showcase how nurses are improving health by enhancing consumers’ experience in the health care system. They adapted and executed a marketing and dissemination plan to promote the podcast and increase revenue generation.

Summary of completed project

Ten new podcast episodes were developed, along with a trailer that highlighted how nurses are driving a Culture of Health. Their marketing efforts resulted in an increased number of downloads, subscribers, and listeners. Through their partnership with the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium (NNCC), the Action Coalition received funding from the U.S. Health Resources and Services Agency (HRSA) and the Gender Justice Fund to produce additional episodes.

The titles of the ten new podcasts are:

  • Resiliency in Nursing Through Covid-19
  • School Nurses and Their Role During Covid-19
  • Social Justice in Nursing
  • Building Resiliency in the Nursing Workforce
  • Nursing Student Perspective of Covid-19
  • Preventing SIDS with Cribs
  • Examining the Impact of Covid on Community Health Center – Part 1
  • Examining the Impact of Covid on Community Health Centers – Part 2
  • Empowering Nurses to Change Public Policy
  • Nurses Cultivating Patient-Centered Care


The “At the Core of Care” podcast series was accepted into the Health Podcast Network, a collection of 8,000 podcast episodes that feature topics in health care. The reach of the podcast extended beyond Pennsylvania, with listeners from Virginia, California, Ohio, Tennessee, and New York.



The Pennsylvania Action Coalition’s project, a podcast series titled “At the Core of Care,” is an effort to showcase the stories of patients, families, and communities, and the creative efforts of nurses and other partners to better meet their health care needs. These podcasts will present a health care need through the lens of the consumer and highlight the ways that nurses and other organizations intervene and partner to transform the health care system.

Summary of completed project

The Pennsylvania Action Coalition created a podcast series titled “At the Core of Care.” The first 10 podcast episodes that were developed showcased the stories of patients, families, and communities, and the creative efforts of nurses and other partners to better meet their health care needs. The podcasts viewed a health care need through the lens of the consumer and highlighted the ways that nurses and other organizations are intervening and partnering to transform the health care system.  The list of episodes includes:

  • At the Core of Care Trailer to preview all episodes
  • The Fight for Full Practice Authority in Pennsylvania
  • Breast Feeding Support at the Philadelphia Nurse-Family Partnership
  • Pediatric Home Care for Medically Complex Children
  • Bodies and Barriers-LGBT Health Equity
  • Immigrant Health Care: Chester County
  • Refugee Health Care Parts I and 2
  • Nursing Perspectives, with interviews with nursing champions from AARP’s Center to Champion Nursing in America

The Action Coalition focused on reflecting the geographic diversity of the Action Coalition work and the diversity of Pennsylvanians. The Action Coalition contracted a professional radio and podcast producer to both develop and assist in the marketing of the podcasts.


The podcast series had listeners from across the United States and internationally though the greatest number of listeners are from Pennsylvania. The podcast has been played 1,985 times with the most listeners in the two largest urban areas of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. One episode has been adapted for an episode of WHYY’s The Pulse, a weekly radio program and podcast about health and science. WHYY is the Philadelphia region’s National Public Radio member station. A second season of 10 episodes have been prepared and a third is in the planning stages.