Seeking Proposals for 2025 Nursing Innovations Fund Awards
This request for proposals seeks innovative and replicable solutions to strengthen the nursing workforce by creating and sustaining healthy work environments and improving recruitment and retention rates of registered nurses. Applications due by April 4.
The AARP Center for Health Equity through NursingSM (A-CHEN) is a vehicle for change and a national resource for advancing health equity. We stimulate, promote, and replicate actionable solutions that eliminate disparities and create better opportunities for people to live their healthiest lives possible. Below are programs and initiatives aimed at valuing, recruiting, retaining, and strengthening the nursing and direct care workforce.
Nursing Innovations Fund
The Nursing Innovations Fund program awards creative, replicable, and promising solutions to strengthen the nursing workforce. Since 2018, we have awarded over $1.8 million across 30 states and DC, funding 63 projects that improve access to care and services, strengthen and diversify the nursing workforce, and create healthier work environments.
AARP Volunteer Opportunities
A big part of AARP is about giving back to their communities and helping the 50-plus population live their best lives. AARP offers a number of volunteer positions unique for active and retired nurses.
Securing LPN Supply
and Career Progression
Championing the LPN/LVN role is necessary to help the health care delivery system have a robust workforce to care for patients and support families. Anecdotally, we hear that the experienced LPNs/LVNs were the most effective practice-based educators to new registered nurses (RNs) in their first jobs. This long-unrecognized sector needs to be championed for the value they bring to the care environment.
Gratitude for Nurses Effort
AARP and The DAISY Foundation are collaborating to help consumers and family caregivers thank and show gratitude to nurses, while also helping nurses feel more valued and appreciated during an especially challenging time for health care workers. The Gratitude for Nurses effort taps both organizations’ unique resources for a common purpose – honoring and valuing nurses who provide above-and-beyond compassionate care to patients and families
Mentoring for Success
Many students from backgrounds currently underrepresented in nursing face social and academic barriers that make it difficult to stay in school. By supporting mentoring programs that connect students with additional resources, AARP helps to build a more diverse nursing workforce and better access to care in underserved communities.
A-CHEN Ambassadors
AARP Center for Health Equity through Nursing Volunteer Ambassadors are proven, influential nurse leaders committed to leveraging their roles to influence change in the systems in which they work and beyond. Ambassadors are part of a network of peer leaders who share best practices, opportunities and learnings to implement change, and promote scalable solutions to ending structural barriers to health and well-being.