The Campaign for Action now has two listservs to facilitate collaboration, sharing, and connections among our many supporters and stakeholders.
The Campaign for Action listserv is open to anyone who wishes to join, including Action Coalition members, Campaign stakeholders and supporters, and anyone who is interested in nursing, health care, and our work.
To join, please fill out the form below:
The Co-Leads Listserv is a private listserv for leaders of the Campaign’s 51 state Action Coalitions. Membership is by invitation only. If you have questions about this listserv, please contact Aidan McCallion.
Managing Your Listserv Subscription
To send a message to the listserv, simply send an email to the appropriate email address. (For the Campaign for Action listserv, this address is:
By default the system is set up for you to receive all emails sent via the listserv. You can choose to receive individual emails, a summary of email activity each day or a digest of up to 25 emails. In order to change your delivery setting, you will need to create a Google account if you do not have one, or if you are not using a Gmail address to receive these notes. Create a Google account here:
Now you’re ready to change your email settings.
- Go to Google Groups.
- Click “my groups” (near the top left corner).
- Find the name of the group; next to your name, click “edit.”
- Go to the “all email” button. You will have the option to receive:
- No email—You will not receive email from the group. (We do not recommend this option.)
- Abridged email—You will receive one summary email per day.
- Digest email—You will receive one email for every 25 new messages.
- All email— You will receive every group email.
If you have any questions or concerns please email Aidan McCallion at