8th Annual Summit to Address Finding Joy in Home and Work
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – The Missouri Center for Nursing and Missouri Action Coalition will hold its Eighth Annual Summit on Thursday, May 31 and Friday, June 1, 2018. Nursing executives, nursing students, point of care nurses, nursing educators and other stakeholders from across the state of Missouri are invited to attend the 2018 Summit: Finding Joy.
The purpose is for attendees to leave energized and equipped to restore joy in their daily work and home. At a time when nurses and other health providers are constantly being asked to do more with less, self-care is often set aside. Traci Hanlon is joining us from Creative Health Care Management to share her passion about the role of mindfulness, positive psychology, wellbeing, and resiliency in clinician professional development as it relates to leadership development, transition to practice, and healthy work environment, especially as they impact engagement, retention, and patient experience outcomes. Christy Dempsey from Press Ganey, will share evidence-based practices regarding improving safety, quality and experience through compassionate connected care. Dr. Bart Andrews, VP of Clinical Practice & Evaluation at Behavioral Health Response will present BETA (Best practices in Evaluation and Treatment of Agitation) training to attendees. This training assists participants in learning to balance how to evaluate and manage the patient simultaneously to minimize adverse responses and workplace violence. Sue Dawson from the Missouri Opioid State Targeted Response Team will be delivering content related to the opioid epidemic and emerging health needs in Missouri.
The Summit will be held Thursday, May 31 and Friday, June 1, 2018 at the Courtyard by Marriott, 3301 LeMone Industrial Boulevard, Columbia, MO 65201.
This activity has been submitted to the Midwest Multistate Division for approval to award nursing contact hours. The Midwest Multistate Division is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
For additional information or to register to attend as a participant or exhibitor, please visit www.mocenterfornursing.org/annual-summit-2018.aspx or email info@mocenterfornursing.org.