WV Nursing Workforce Summit
The Future of Nursing WV (FONWV) Action Coalition announces publication of the Proceedings of the WV Nursing Workforce Summit. FONWV convened a full day Nursing Workforce Summit at the Hendrickson Conference Center in South Charleston, WV. This Summit brought together 80 key leaders from 13 WV counties to address current and anticipated challenges in meeting the need for bedside nurses and nursing faculty in West Virginia.
The morning session included a review of the national and statewide data. Joanne Spetz, PhD, Director of the University of California San Francisco Health Workforce Research Center kicked off the Summit with “Understanding Nursing Data for Strategic Problem Solving”. She was followed the Innovations Power Hour with presentations on new approaches in retention and recruitment of nursing staff, expanding the pipeline into nursing, facilitating pathways in nursing education and recruiting and retaining qualified faculty. The afternoon engaged participants in a World CafĂ© style process to elicit the best ideas to begin the process of finding effective solutions.
Key themes emerging from the Summit targeted strategies for K-12 educators, workforce development, nurse employers, schools of nursing for students and faculty, legislators and recruiting RNs to WV. The themes emerging from the Summit are being evaluated by four Action Teams to determine, develop and promote actionable strategies and interventions that will have the most significant measurable results. Those Action Teams are: Expanding the Pipeline into Nursing, Facilitating the Pathways in Nursing Education, Retaining and Recruiting Nurses at the Bedside, Recruiting and Utilizing Nursing Faculty. All Summit power points, photos and audios are on the website at: http://www.futureofnursingwv.org/nursing-workforce-summit