Tennessee Action Coalition Subcommittee Survey

“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” Albert Einstein
Tennessee Action Coalition (TAC) members are certainly intelligent and creative, as evidenced by the continued adaptation to serving our organizations and communities during the past two years of Covid.
But can anyone confirm fun was a part of the equation? While many of our families, friends, neighbors, co-workers, leaders, and community members were social distancing, we were on the front lines deciding how many morgue trucks were needed, determining the definition of crisis standard of care, building field hospitals with little or no experience, trying to staff hospitals during a global shortage of providers, and fighting to maintain continuity of services in a world that lacked resources and normalcy.
It is time to move forward and put the fun back into the equation! TAC members have the opportunity to expound on Einstein’s statement by serving on one of our identified priority subcommittees. We are not asking you to think outside the box, because as we’ve learned, there is no longer a box to contain us.
Please complete the TAC subcommittee survey and identify where you can best serve using your strengths.
Do you know someone who is not a member of TAC but their strengths complement yours and together you make an awesome team? Bring them on board. Let’s work together, let’s have fun, and let’s further our vision ensuring Tennesseans live healthier lives supported by communities and systems where nurses are leaders and essential partners.