Apr 21, 2023

Resources to assess & eliminate racist & discriminatory policies within Nursing Organizations

Recommendation 1.1 of the 2021 Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity report calls for nursing organizations to assess diversity, equity, and inclusion, and eliminate policies, regulations, and systems that perpetuate structural racism, cultural racism, and discrimination with respect to identity (e.g., sexual orientation, gender), place (e.g., rural, inner city), and circumstances (e.g., disabilities, depression).

A group of graduate nursing students from the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center found resources and created the repository below that can help achieve this sub-recommendation.

Nurses Taking a Stand: ONL Tool Kit for Addressing Racism in Nursing and Healthcare

Description: This toolkit provides actionable strategies for nurses, regardless of their experience with diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging efforts, to assist in promoting diverse and inclusive workforces.

Citation: Organization of Nurse Leaders. (n.d.). Nurses taking a stand: ONL tool kit for addressing racism in nursing and healthcare. https://onl.memberclicks.net/assets/docs/DEIB/ONL-Tool-Kit-for-Addressing-Racism-in-Nursing-and-Healthcare.pdf

National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing

Description: The American Nurses Association’s National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing examines the issue of racism within nursing nationwide focusing on the impact on nurses, patients, communities, and health care systems to motivate all nurses to confront individual and systematic racism.

Citation: American Nurses Association. (2021). National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing foundational report.. https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/workforce/racism-in-nursing/national-commission-to-address-racism-in-nursing/

Integrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into a Simulation Program

Description: Buchanan and O’Connor’s needs assessment and plan serve as a model to assist organizations in developing multimodal approaches to integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion, into their simulation scenarios and programs.

Citation: BuchananD. T. & O’Connor, M. R. (2020). Integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion into a simulation program. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 49, 58-65. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecns.2020.05.007

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Nursing : The Pathway to Excellence Framework Alignment

Description: This article aims to provide a review of the literature on DEI in nursing, outcomes and strategies associated with organizational DEI efforts, and knowledge on how the American Nurses Credentialing Center Pathway to Excellence® Designation Program framework supports DEI initiatives. The authors further provided recommendations for nurse leaders and a checklist of proposed questions for assessing commitment, culture, and structural empowerment initiatives toward a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization.

Citation: Morrison, V., Hauch, R. R., Perez, E., Bates, M., Sepe, P., & Dans, M. (2021). Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Nursing: The Pathway to Excellence Framework Alignment. Nursing administration quarterly, 45(4), 311–323. https://doi.org/10.1097/NAQ.0000000000000494

Integrating workforce health into employer DEI efforts

Description: This commentary provides guidance for employers to expand their DEI initiatives to include employee and family health and well-being as a central outcome measure. Employers should ensure that DEI efforts incorporate equitable benefits design, and objectively assess benefit design impact on healthcare utilization and cost.

Citation: Sherman, B. W., Kelly, R. K., & Payne-Foster, P. (2021). Integrating Workforce Health Into Employer Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Efforts. American Journal of Health Promotion: AJHP, 35(5), 609–612. https://doi.org/10.1177/0890117120983288

Perceptions of Workplace Climate and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Within Health Services and Policy Research

Description: What this study adds HSPR (Health service and policy research)workforce members experience non-inclusive, inequitable environments, with those from historically and structurally excluded groups reporting frequent discrimination. Those working in HSPR from historically and structurally excluded groups perceive their workplace DEI efforts to lack substance and focus on planning and reporting rather than implementation. Professional discrimination in the HSPR workplaces is highly prevalent, especially among those from historically and structurally excluded groups.

Citation: Chantarat, T, Rogers, TB, Mitchell, CR, Ko, MJ. Perceptions of workplace climate and diversity, equity, and inclusion within health services and policy research. Health Serv Res. 2022; 1- 11. doi:10.1111/1475-6773.14032

Health Situation of Migrant and minority nurses

Description: The present knowledge about the health of migrant and minority nurses and the terminology in this context are diverse. Thus, the purpose of this systematic review was to systematically identify and synthesize international publications that explicitly focus on migrant nurses’ health.

Citation: Schilgen B, Nienhaus A, Handtke O, Schulz H, Mösko M (2017) Health situation of migrant and minority nurses: A systematic review. PLoS ONE 12(6): e0179183. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0179183

The Nurse’s Role in Addressing Discrimination: Protecting and Promoting Inclusive Strategies in Practice Settings, Policy, and Advocacy

Description: ANA recommended implemtations to address discrimination. all nurses must examine their biases and prejudices for indications of discriminatory actions. The nursing profession is responsible for promoting an environment of inclusiveness where all receive safe, quality care, and caregivers are intolerant of any discriminatory practice.

Citation: American Nurses Association. (20). The nurse’s role in addressing discrimination: Protecting and promoting inclusive strategies in practice settings, policy, and advocacy.

A non-binary nurse explains why it’s time to learn about & reflect on transgender care

Description: An article by Jess Crawford (they/them), RN, BScN. They have worked in Northwestern Ontario for the past 3 years providing mental health and addictions, 2SLGBTQIA+ health, and sexual health supports to youth.

Citation: Crawford, J. (2022). A non-binary nurse explains why it’s time to learn about & reflect on transgender care. Canadian Nurse [blog post]. https://www.canadian-nurse.com/blogs/cn-content/2022/01/04/a-non-binary-nurse-explains-why-its-time-to-learn

The National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center

Description: The National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center provides educational programs, resources, and consultation to health care organizations with the goal of optimizing quality, cost-effective health care for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and all sexual and gender minority (LGBTQIA+) people. Also included is the HEALTHCARE EQUALITY INDEX GUIDE which provides policy information to inform best practice.

Citation: Human Rights Campaign (2022, November 6). The national LGBTQIA+ health education center. https://www.thehrcfoundation.org/professional-resources/the-national-lgbt-health-education-center

A Transition to Find Herself

Description: The Nurses’ Health Education About LGBTQ Elders curriculum is a six-hour cultural competency continuing education (CE) training for nurses and health care professionals who serve older LGBTQ adults and is provided for nurses and social workers free of charge.

Citation: Anderson, A. (2022) A Transition to find herself. American Association of Critical Care Nurses. https://www.aacn.org/nursing-excellence/nurse-stories/a-transition-to-find-herself

NURSES HEALE – Nurses health education about LGBTQ elders cultural competency curriculum

Description: The Nurses’ Health Education About LGBTQ Elders curriculum is a six-hour cultural competency continuing education (CE) training for nurses and health care professionals who serve older LGBTQ adults and is provided for nurses and social workers free of charge.

Citation: NURSES HEALE (Found under SR 1.1) Nurses Heale (n.d.) http://www.nursesheale.org/

National Organization of Nurses with Disabilities

Description: NOND represents people with disabilities and chronic health conditions who are students, nurses and other healthcare professionals.

Citation: National Organization of Nurses with Disabilities (n.d.) The voice of disability nursing. https://nond.org/6

Exceptional Nurse.com

Description: ExceptionalNurse.com is a nonprofit 501 (c) 3 resource network committed to inclusion of more people with disabilities in the nursing profession. By sharing information and resources, ExceptionalNurse.com hopes to facilitate inclusion of students with disabilities in nursing education programs and foster resilience and continued practice for nurses who are, or become, disabled. This web site is maintained by Donna Maheady, Ed.D., ARNP, an advocate for nurses and nursing students with disabilities. For a copy of her curriculum vitae/resume send an email to: ExceptionalNurse@aol.com.

Citation: Maheady, D. (n.d.). Exceptional Nurse. http://exceptionalnurse.com/?_gl=1zrbtie_gaMTQ5NzU2ODk0LjE2NjA3ODU2OTg._ga_V9J6S91K45*MTY2MD

Minority Nurse Website

Description: Multiple resources for minority nurses.

Citation: Minority Nurse (n.d.).https://minoritynurse.com/

Rural Health Information Hub

Description: Resources on multiple rural health topics, including nursing and rural clinic information, access to care, rural healthcare workforce, and state-specific information.

Citation: Rural Helath Information Hub. (n.d). https://www.rno.org/

Workplace health and safety issues among community nurses: a study regarding the impact on providing care to rural consumers

Description: Article by BMJ investigating types of workplace health and safety issues rural community nurses encounter, and the impact these issues have on providing care ro rural consumers.

Citation: Terry, D., Le, Q., Nguyen, U. & Hoang, H. (2015). Workplace health and safety issues among community nurses: a study regarding the impact on providing care to rural consumers. BMJ Open, 5(8):e008306. doi: 10.1136/ bmjopen-2015-008306. PMID: 26270947; PMCID: PMC4538262.

Different challenges in urban and rural nursing jobs

Description: Website article comparing challenges in urban and rural nursing jobs

Citation: Splane, B. (2021) Different challenges in urban and rural nursing jobs. Degree Choices https://www.degreechoices.com/blog/different-challenges-urban-rural-nursing/

National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing Survey Results

Description: National survey results depicted as infographic

Citation: National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing. (2022). Racism’s Impact in Nursing. https://www.nursingworld.org/~48f9c5/globalassets/practiceandpolicy