Primary Care Training Enhancement Program
The HRSA-funded Primary Care Training Enhancement program is focused on improving interprofessional teams in community health clinics. While the six-year funding has come to an end, the long-term impact and sustainability of several programs represents the value of this work. The program included 1) a year-long team-building training and coaching program for interprofessional teams to improve quality, safety, retention and resiliency, 2) a 3-day interprofessional team leadership workshop for provider level (i.e.: NPs, MDs, PAs, PTs, Pharm, DTY, and SW) students, 3) a 2-day interprofessional team member workshop for provider-level students, and 4) a provider-level preceptor program to prepare preceptors to work with interprofessional clinical placements. Every program exceeded grant goals and has been sustained beyond the initial funding through a variety of Center and partner programs. For more information contact Deb@ColoradoNursingCenter.org.