Virtual Conference November 5th
Join the NC Organization of Nurse Leaders on Thursday, November 5, 2020, for a virtual conference entitled “Nurses: Powerful. Purposeful. Positioning for the Future!” Topics will include: moral and ethical challenges of nurse leadership during a pandemic; incivility; active bystander training; COVID 19 rapid appraisal of frontline healthcare workers in North Carolina; and newfound professional and personal strength derived from COVID. View the agenda at https://duke.box.com/v/NCONL-2020-conference-agenda for more details and visit https://nconl.memberclicks.net/ for registration information.
Nurses: Powerful. Purposeful. Positioning for the Future!
Thursday, November 5, 2020
9:45 am -10:00 am Welcome -NCONL
Crystal Hayden, DNP, RN, , CNO/COO UNC Nash, NCONL President
Sponsor Recognition
10:00 am -10:50 am CNO Panel: Moral and Ethical Challenges of Nurse Leadership during a Pandemic
Moderator: Kimberly Gordon, MSN, CRNA, Piedmont Triad Novant Health
Cindy Boily, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, SVP, CNO. WakeMed Health and Hospitals
MaryEllen Bonczek, BSN, RN, MPA, System CNE, New Hanover Regional Medical Center
Donna Wimberly, RN, MBA/MHA, SVP and CNO, Wayne UNC Hospital
Rebecca Smith, MBA, BSN, RN, VP, COO, CNO, UNC Caldwell
Deb Harding, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, CNO, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center
10:50am-11:00 am. Break
11:00 am -11:50am Incivility is Hardly Harmless
Brenda Burk, MSN, RN, CSSM, CNOR, Director of Surgical Services, Lake Norman Regional
Medical Center
11:50am- Noon Break
12:00 pm –1:00 pm Lunch Break and Sponsor Gallery
1:00pm-1:50pm Active Bystander Training
Michele Blakely, DNP, RN, Director of Nursing Professional Practice, Wake Forest Baptist
Medical Center
1:50pm-2:00pm Break
2:00pm-3:00pm Covid 19 Rapid Appraisal of Frontline Healthcare Workers in North Carolina
Andrea Freidus, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor Anrthropology, UNC Charlotte
2:50pm-3:00pm. Break
3:00 pm – 3:50pm Newfound Professional and Personal Strength Derived from Covid
Emily Sickbert-Bennett, PhD, MS, CIC, Director, Infection Prevention, UNC Hospitals
Administrative Director, Carolina Antimicrobial Stewardship Program, UNC Hospitals
Associate Professor of Medicine-Infectious Diseases, UNC School of Medicine
Associate Professor of Epidemiology, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
3:50pm –4:00pm Closing Remarks
Marie Marks, MSN, RN, President-Elect NCONL, CNO Lake Norman Regional Medical Center