2025 Nursing Innovations Fund Call for Applications:

Collecting Workforce Data

Accurate, ongoing data collection in all areas is needed to develop the workforce the country needs.


Goal and Impact

There are major gaps in data on the health care workforce and the nursing workforce especially. More collaboration is needed among nursing organizations and others to be able to identify and answer the country’s health needs.

Visit this collection of materials specific to the ongoing effort to find solutions.

When the public and private sectors work together to synthesize the many sources of health workforce data, the country can set goals and priorities in education, training, and practice, and planning and policy will better match the nation’s needs. Better data can also ensure that practice, planning and policy match the nation’s needs as we work together to achieve health equity.


Almost half of the Campaign’s Action Coalitions have made workforce data their main focus. Consistent with that, the National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers reports that more than 70 percent of State Nursing Workforce Centers are partners with Action Coalitions in their states—a step toward creating a comprehensive collection of workforce data that integrates the diverse sources of statistics.

This graph is a part of the Campaign for Action Dashboard, a series of charts and graphs that show goals by which the Campaign evaluates its efforts to implement recommendations in the Institute of Medicine’s The Future of Nursing, Leading Change, Advancing Health.

  • Number of state boards of nursing that participate in the NCSBN Nursys data system (2011-2019)


  1. Meeting Sets the Stage for Improved Collection of Workforce Data

    “In God we trust. All others bring data.” That’s how one speaker, quoting the late more

    Issues: Collecting Workforce Data,   Locations: National,  

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Collecting Workforce Data


  1. Action Coalition Co-Leaders and Key Contacts

    Jun 06, 2024

    The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action is a national initiative working toward an America in which everyone can live a healthier life, supported by nurses as essential partners in providing care and promoting health equity and well-being.   Action Coalitions, led more

    Issues: Collecting Workforce Data, Increasing Diversity in Nursing, Tools & Tips: Action Coalition Resources, Internal operations, Mentoring, Organizational excellence, Location: National,


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